syntax format

英 [ˈsɪntæks ˈfɔːmæt] 美 [ˈsɪntæks ˈfɔːrmæt]

网络  语法格式



  1. There may be situations where you cannot translate MySQL functions or syntax into a convenient DB2 format.
  2. Vim associates some word to be a keyword using the format: syntax keyword
  3. The Atom syntax provides a format for expressing Web annotations.
  4. The Turtle syntax for Resource Description Framework ( RDF) is a useful way to capture this information in a format that non-technical users can review.
  5. The complete syntax for format specifiers is beyond the scope of this article, but you can find links to more information in the Resources section.
  6. Variables, syntax format, and structure inside bash scripting
  7. However, even within an RDBMS environment, the actual syntax and format of the SQL statements may vary depending on the particular database product.
  8. Syntax error, expecting format expression, near:% 1
  9. In this case, the syntax doesn't specify the format of the photo. It's assumed ( maybe incorrectly) that all applications accessing this attribute agree on the handling of values.
  10. This syntax for the journal is only valid when constructing the format name for the queue.
  11. And XML syntax is an easy output format for code generation.
  12. Analyze the retrieval syntax of each search engine in detail, extract the common format from the most search engines, define the syntax in XML.
  13. First, through the analysis of XML syntax, we define the XML tree: all of its nodes have the same format. The XML tree helps to map an irregular XML document to a regular XML tree.
  14. In present paper, we report on model syntax, suggestions for design, running Mini-Expert and how to convert EXPERT models to Mini-Expert format.
  15. , is a management infrastructure that supports the syntax of CIM, the Managed Object Format ( MOF), and a common programming interface.
  16. According to the function, syntax format and semantic requirements of instructions, we build instruction type sets and instruction operand sets of microprocessor.
  17. Nowadays, kinds of video coding standards have been developed, which are different from each other in syntax as well as in compressing-rate, bit-rate and picture format. They are designed for diverse networks, decoders and monitors.
  18. The fifth part describes the syntax function of this format. Owing to its abundant changeable components, it shows its variety while used as the syntax components.
  19. Network protocol refers to a set of rules that controls two equal entities to communicating. Its syntax and semantics define separately the format of the exchanging information and the operation to be completed by the sender or recipient.